Since 1997 The Platinum Synergy Group has been
providing top-notch web based services to both
corporate customers and Network Marketing
organizations. Millions of dollars have been
spent by Platinum to create some of the worlds
most powerful and easy-to-use online tools.
Join Team Synergy and profit off of being at the
height of Internet technology!
Partners receive 20% sales commissions on ALL
subscription services which a customer
subscribes to off of your personal Self
Replicating Website. Once the customer signs
up, they are yours! If the customer decides to
purchase other services within this program you
will automatically receive the commissions for
this sale, even if you did not sell it.
Second Tier Partner Bonus
We realize once your customers understand the
value of the Platinum Services they will wish to
sell the services themselves. If one of your
customers becomes a Platinum Partner, you will
receive 10% on everything they sell on top of
the 20% you make directly.